Star Gazing

When night falls there’s still a lot going on in Taos—up in the sky, that is! Depending on the time of year, star gazers with telescopes are likely to see the rings of Saturn, Jupiter's great red spot and moons, Nebulae with glowing blue, green and purple tendrils, supernova remnants—sights that will give you a feel for the true scale and beauty of the universe. Make sure you take time to look skyward some night. You’re bound to see something that will take your breath away.

Night Sky Adventures, Red River, offers interpretive astronomy tours, astronomy education, and a portable observatory that comes to you for star viewing. Night Sky is a one-man operation lead by Geoff Goins. Goins is a National Park Service "Dark Ranger” and teaches astronomy at UNM Taos campus. What he has to show and tell you is bound to open your eyes and mind to what’s really “out there.” Geoff’s sky tours begin with a short orientation of the telescope, instructions regarding the telescope and description of how and why it works and how to use it. Available generally March thorough October for information call 575-770-2431

Viewing stars against a jet black sky is like diamonds on velvet, and star clusters with points of light too numerous to count fill the eyepiece like fireworks. 

Geoff Goins

Check local weather conditions before you head out at night and be sure to dress appropriately. offers a stargazing forecast page.

El Valle Astronomers, a nonprofit club of Northern New Mexico, has a great website for area goings on, including impromptu “star parties.” Visit If you are serious or just psyched about stars, they’ll have friendly advice to share. They’re also building their own 32” Dobsonian telescope—the largest private portable scope in New Mexico (when it’s finished!).

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