MARKETAOS Marketing Program 2016 — LODGE

Final deadline to sign-up is October 1, 2015.

* Required fields.

Please select one of the following packages for a Lodge listing. *

Participation Levels for lodges:



Please email up to six photos for your web page to

Rates: specify range of prices that best defines your rates


(Limit is 50 characters, including spaces.)

Contract *

This is a contract for inclusion in the 2016 MARKETAOS Tourism Marketing program
between Taos County Lodgers Association and (enter your BUSINESS NAME here)...

Information provided by (enter your FULL NAME here)...

Payment *

Charge my Credit Card (VISA, Mastercard, or Discover only; American Express is not accepted)


By submitting this document, I agree that:

  • If I default on any payment, my business may be eliminated from the program,
    and I will not be entitled to a refund of monies already received by Taos County Lodgers Association.

NOTE: if you have chosen a multi-payment plan, only the first payment will be charged now.